Does your vehicle have an air leak, coolant leak or brake malfunction? You can reach us at any time for heavy roadside services in the Chelsea or Augusta, ME area. Statewide towing offers your choice in complete vehicle repair, maintenance, tires, alignments and more. Statewide towing is YOUR choice for auto repair with more options, more service and more of what you need. From the family car to the fleet of your family business.
Call 207-480-7634 now to speak with our friendly and reliable team.
Vehicle owners throughout Chelsea and Augusta, ME can turn to us for a wide range of auto services. We offer:
We’re qualified to handle all kinds of automotive work for your satisfaction. Contact us today to book an appointment for any of our services.
If you need professional auto services in the Chelsea or Augusta, ME area, we’ve got you covered. Our team is trusted by many vehicle owners because:
Let us streamline your next auto service. Reach out soon to schedule wheel alignment or DOT inspection services.